Listen to the song with the lyrics in front of you

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Chris Cheryl (tango, danced to “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey): This couple was in the bottom three last week, and after Monday night’s performance, I think they are going to be in trouble again. I liked the tango paired with a rock song, but I agree with judge Bruno Tonioli that the dance seemed a bit lumpy. Judges’ score: 22.

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Celine Bags Cheap Welcome, new editor! We’re very glad you’ve joined us. Here are pointers for a quick start. Also, when you get a chance, please read The Editor Role. Listen to the song with the lyrics in front of you. As you play the song, underline or highlight important lines and phrases that contribute to its meaning, as well as any personal thoughts or responses that come to mind. These reactions can help you shape the analysis of your song when you begin to write Celine Bags Cheap.

By | 2017-05-10T00:46:31+00:00 maj 16th, 2013|Ikke kategoriseret|0 Comments

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