Police brutality was one major issue in the civil rights

Participants were eligible if they were community dwelling, were aged 65 years or over, were cognitively intact (defined as a score of 7 on the short portable mental status questionnaire),23 reported disabling foot pain (defined as foot pain lasting for at least a day within the last month and a positive response of “some days” or “most/every days” to at least one item on the Manchester foot pain and disability index),24 and had an increased risk of falling (defined as either a history of a fall in the previous 12 months Christian Louboutin For Sale, a score of >1 on the physiological profile assessment tool,3 or performance on the alternate stepping test of >10 seconds).25 Exclusion criteria included neurodegenerative disorders, leg amputation, inability to walk household distances (10 m) without the use of a walking aid, limited English language skills, and leg surgery three months before the initial assessment or planned leg surgery within a period of three months of the planned initial assessment.Trial designWe carried out a parallel group randomised controlled trial with 12 months’ follow up. An a priori sample size calculation christianlouboutinclearance.co.uk, based on a falling rate of 60% in the control group, a 30% reduction in the proportion of fallers in the intervention group, a 15% dropout rate, 80% power, and a significance level of 5%, indicated that we needed 286 participants (143 per group). Participants were initially screened by phone for eligibility then assessed at baseline and at six months after baseline by an assessor blind to group allocation.

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