Primark says it is “extremely concerned” and is carrying out

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Yves Saint Laurent Replica Handbags TNS has denied all the claims. Primark says it is “extremely concerned” and is carrying out its own investigation.On its website, it claims to deliver fast fashion without breaking its ethical code or exploiting its workers Replica Yves Saint Laurent Handbags, but the BBC has uncovered evidence that shows some of its manufacturers are doing so.It is one of Primark’s biggest UK suppliers of knitwear Replica Yves Saint Laurent Handbags, handling hundreds of thousands of garments for the company a year.A BBC reporter, who is a non UK national, applied for a job with the company and was not asked about her right to work.She was taken on by the boss, Zahid Sarwar, without even being asked her name, and given a job packing Primark knitwear.While working, she discovered an intense work culture where employees admitted to being under pressure to meet orders, two thirds of them for Primark.Many in her section were putting in 12 hour days, seven days a week, for just over half the minimum wage.By law, workers should be paid an hour and Primark’s own code of conduct promises workers a living wage.But Zahid Sarwar, the co owner of TNS Knitwear, is filmed on a secret camera telling our reporter she would get an hour.Our reporter also found there was no heating in that area, and staff worked in their coats in bitterly cold temperatures.An unrepaired toilet meant workers of both sexes were sharing one set of toilets.One Afghan man, working alongside our reporter, said he was an asylum seeker and had been working illegally in the country for three years.He said: “The management asked me if my status should be declared I said ‘No’.Our reporter asked: “Ok, so your asylum case is under progress?”He replied: “Yes, I haven’t got asylum yet.”Our reporter also spoke to two other factory workers who admitted breaking the law. One man from Pakistan said his visa expired eight years ago.Employers who take on illegal workers can face fines of up to per person under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act.Our reporter was also told others working legally were cheating the benefits system by claiming sickness benefits while working at TNS Knitwear.At the end of a week’s work, our undercover reporter received her wages cash in hand, without any paperwork.Primark said its suppliers did not have the right to subcontract work. Yves Saint Laurent Replica Handbags

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